Why Choose Big Sky IV Care

Our Mission Statement
To develop, manage and invest in all areas relating to the delivery of medical treatment including intravenous, epidural, and other infusion pharmacy specific treatments, used alone and in conjunction with pharmacological products including research and development, design, manufacture, sale and marketing of goods and services associated with such medical services and products.
Our Team
Big Sky I.V. Care employs a multidisciplinary Care Team approach. All pharmacists are trained to oversee intravenous and injectable therapies. A pharmacist and a nurse are available 24 hours a day. Our nurses undergo up to three months of customized orientation. Each member of the care team is well equipped to assess, educate and care for infusion patients.
Big Sky I.V. Care closely monitors the patient’s clinical status, dosage frequency, and treatment efficacy and is dedicated to compassionate care and clinical and educational excellence. In order to promote these ideals, we maintain an active quality improvement program to continue our tradition of exceptional care and patient satisfaction.
We are locally owned and independently operated.
Dave Grady (Owner)
Julie Lyon (Owner)
Kelly Lee (Billing Manager)
Kristin Battle (Administrative Assistant)
Sarah Charlton (Administrative Assistant)
Theresa Petersen (Administrative Assistant)
Margie Smith (Director of Nursing)
Infusion Nurses
Carol Kodlick
Megan Stickney
Kim Reynen
Rebekah Venable
Heather Peacock, PharmD, BCSCP (Director of Pharmacy)
Infusion Pharmacists
Ebony Norberg
Kim Daly
Pharmacy Technicians
Shontae Sullivan
Tabatha Sweeney

Medicare &
See our Medicare FAQs
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